The Universal Church of the Holy and Sacred Herb


Welcome to the Universal Church of the Holy and Sacred Herb (UCHASH)

Are you perhaps one of the millions of cannabis users around this globe we call earth? Or maybe you are one of the thousands of millions who knows someone who uses cannabis?

CANNABIS is a plant grown out of the earth from seed, water from the sky swells the seed amd germinates it, like hands the roots hold the earth together and the sun makes it grow.

The seeds also provide food for birds, fish and other animals.

Man did not create cannabis, GOD did. GOD created cannabis for the good of ALL mankind, PROHIBITION is not what God intended for cannabis.

UCHASH believes the use of cannabis is a right granted by GOD gratis for every man and woman for eternity. GOD gave cannabis to man for use as rope, canvas, the finest linen, the finest paper, for the best medicine, food, oil, cremes, incense and spiritual enlightenment, as well as countless other uses.

No prohibition law can ever be justified in any part of this world. These laws began in 1928 on the 28th day of September. Exceptions were made form the SADHU in India which respected their right to use cannabis in their rituals and they continue to use cannabis RELIGIOUSLY to this very day.

We too use cannabis spiritually and you can also.

We do not tell you how to use the plant, we just ask you to believe God gave us the plant, if you do that, God will do the rest. Wherever you are, God is with you and cannabis should be there too. You can be free of man’s law, which has no moral ground.

Prohibition is a law built on sand, you and I are the water that will wash the sand away.

Freedom os our choice, the right to practice our belief is enshrined in the EUROPEAN CHARTER ON HUMAN RIGHTS, so stand up for your rights.

People believe in certain books, gurus and prophets, there is a list as long as your arm. My teacher is Jesus Christ, my book the bible (John 6.10). All religions have different ways of doing things but all have a basic love attitude: We say LOVE GOD, LOVE CANNABIS.

The prohibition of cannabis is the most evil and tyrannical event in the history of mankind, it must end.

All of man’s needs are in plants, UCHASH reaches out to all religions who abstain from cannabis, we send you our scriptures and ask you to believe what God and Cannabis are by experiencing both for yourself.

God and Cannabis be with you always


Pax vorbis cum.

Jack Girlng


The Universal Church of the Holy and Sacred Herb (UCHASH) was inaugurated on 15th June 1998

In the late 90’s a group of people decided to do something about campaigning for the right to use cannabis spiritually and so they formed The Universal Church of the Holy and Sacred Herb – UCHASH. The aim being to fight for what is supposed to be their right, ie the right to faith and religious freedom, beliefs and rites.

To that end they planned a high profile launch, the inauguration of their church in the cloisters of Norwich cathedral with a ceremonial chillum from India. The reason for picking this location, apart from the obvious high profile nature, was to lobby the Bishop of Norwich to encourage him to raise the issue of cannabis. Of course, this would have been pointless if no-one heard about it so the press and police were invited to witness the event.

As might have been expected the police “swooped” – from ground level as they do – and two people, Jack and Lana – were taken away and prosecuted for possession. But the TV in the form of BBC East were there, it made the local press and did make waves locally. Of course the cathedral authorities made it clear that the church couldn’t challenge the drug laws and the BBC made the story about the police breaking up the demo, as well as describing the issue as “so-called religious use”. Such is the British establishment.

Jack Girling is a witness for UCHASH. Cannabis to Jack is a holy sacrament and frankly he deserves the right to treat it as such. What right does someone like Tony Blair (who was PM back in 1998) or our present PM Johnson have to deny someone their route to faith?

The inauguration of UCHASH

The video follows a route into Norwich along Magdalen Road and Magdalen Street, which passes several places important to Jack, not least of all the site of “Jack’s Yard”, where the CLCIA was based and the now redundant medieval church of St Saviours where his parents were married and he was Christened. The journey takes us to Norwich Cathedral and the news report of the inauguration event.

UCGASG declaration
UCHASH Declaration
UCHASH has a Facebook page here

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