The Pressure Cooker Effect.
What’s this has to do with Cannabis law reform is it provides a wonderful metaphor for prohibition and, specifically, where we are now with events.
What’s this has to do with Cannabis law reform is it provides a wonderful metaphor for prohibition and, specifically, where we are now with events.
There is no excuse for a policy that actually increases the amount of ignorance concerning the issue it claims to want to address, but that is what prohibition is designed to do.
A theme running through many of the entries in this blog over the past couple of years has been the cod science employed to justify […]
So it was, perhaps, only a matter of time before someone who was getting a very real benefit from his use of cannabis, who was not causing any problem to anyone else with his cannabis use, should object to having his life torn apart and being dragged through the courts by this selective application of the law.
Apparently the Misuse of Drugs Act can’t apply to drugs which have widespread public acceptance according to the Home Office.