Government propaganda and the BBC
The issue of fake “THC” vapes is not a new one. Back in 2019 UKCIA reported on this very issue (Fake vape juice containing SCRA), […]
The issue of fake “THC” vapes is not a new one. Back in 2019 UKCIA reported on this very issue (Fake vape juice containing SCRA), […]
Anyone who has traveled around the world – especially to the US – will know how bad TV and the broadcast media in general can be, […]
The BBC has been at it again, local radio this time, BBC Sussex. The item was also published on the BBC news website here “Skunk […]
Two media outlets not normally associated with presenting a complex view of the world had a go at doing just that this week – BBC 3 and The Sun!
Assuming the claims about cannabis and mental illness are in any way true, the blame seems to lie with the of extreme hybrids developed to give high yields and to grow fast under lights – the type of cannabis which goes by the generic name of “Skunk”. The UK’s massive “skunk” industry was the subject of a BBC 3 documentary last week, a part of the “Dangerous Pleasure” series entitled “Cannabis, Britain secret farms”.